Cambridge Urology Partnership harbours one of the leading teams of experts in performing brachytherapy for localised prostate cancer.
Our radiation oncologist Simon Russell with our surgeons Andrew Doble and Christof Kastner are able to offer this service to the highest standards. Simon trained and learnt the procedure at UCL in London; Andrew has a vast experience in ultrasound guided approach to the prostate for biopsies and both started building the brachytherapy programme in 2004. They were joined in 2009 by Christof, who, having been trained in brachytherapy in Guildford and Guy’s Hospital, was able to add his experience of over 200 cases of brachytherapy. Together they have been able to offer a most sophisticated, safe and consistent therapy for patients with localised prostate cancer. They are now amongst the highest performing teams in the country with outstanding results which they have achieved at a very early stage of their development.
Brachytherapy involves insertion of mildly radioactive seeds into the prostate. This creates a very localised radiation cloud around the gland which kills prostate cancer cells whilst minimising the effects on tissue around. Using high precision ultrasound technology and state-of-the-art planning software allows to reduce the side-effects of treatment to the minimum. The procedure is performed as a daycase and outcomes for low-risk prostate cancer are comparable to other standard treatments. Please see our information leaflet for more details.
Simon, Andrew and Christof have chosen to use a single seed dynamic in-treatment planning system with automated seed implantation. They believe that in contrast to stranded seed implantation this allows most flexibility in planning for individual patients whilst providing highest accuracy and safety. The combination of our clinicians’ skill and the accuracy of the system allows our team to offer this treatment to patients who may not be considered for this treatment in other places due to their anatomy.
The Cambridge Urology Partnership team feel that brachytherapy for localised prostate cancer at this quality complements their comprehensive cutting edge service for assessment and treatment of prostate cancer. If you want to know more, then feel free to contact us or ask your GP for a referral.